
Reiki is a system of channeling energy for relaxation, stress relief, and healing.

Reiki was developed in Japan in the 1920’s by Mikao Usui.  It is a technique which allows each person to balance their spirit, mind, and body with universal energies.  Reiki can enhance every aspect of your life, enriching your life’s purpose and meaning.  It can bridge your connection with others, increasing your spiritual awareness within yourself and the world around you.

Even if you are facing physical issues, emotional challenges, or life altering diseases, Reiki will work in conjunction with other medical and therapeutic techniques to promote overall health and speed recovery.  Reiki promotes the energetic flow within you utilizing the universal energy field found within and connecting all living things.  If this energy field is low or blocked, from either within or outside of yourself, you can feel tired, weak, stressed, or become ill.

Reiki is a universal force. It does not rely on status, intellect, or spiritual development making it available for everyone.

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